In this thriller the main character is wearing slippers and a dressing gown, which is seen to be typical of everyday. The use of this costume creates a suspicious effect as we wouldn't suspect anything strange to happen by a man in his pyjamas. This type of costuming makes the audience ask questions which is crucial for a thriller, as it creates tension and a sense of mystery.
The props in this thriller are Barbie dolls and workshop tools, creating creepy and eerie atmosphere. The Barbie dolls are obscure and unusual in this setting as they don't fit in with the everyday location and costuming which adds to the suspense and tension, typical of thrillers. This creates an eerie atmosphere and makes the audience ask questions because we are unsure about what is gong to happen next.
Throughout this thriller opening there are quick black and white flashes with inserts of disturbing inserts of broken and deformed dolls. These jumpy flashes give the audience and insight into what is going to be lurking in the shed, building the tension and adding to the already apparent suspense. Automatically a thrilling atmosphere is being produce as the audience wait until he turns the door handle and reveals what disturbing objects lie behind the creaky door. This style of editing is typically seen in thrillers to create a spooky atmosphere.
There are quick cuts during a montage of shots of different tools that could be found in a shed. The montage of shots were edited to be in black and white creating a contrast in colour and making the opening more eye-catching and draws the audiences attention. The shots of the different industrial equipment could have negative connotations of torture or danger, which creates suspense and tension which is typical of thrillers. The fast pace in the montage also provides short burst of almost excitement and is a complete juxtaposition to the slower pace cuts in between.
There are a lot of close up and extreme close up shots in this thriller opening which adds diversity and excitement. Also these types of shots, where hands are shown to be doing things created questions being asked as the small amount seen in the shot doesn't give away much of the narrative. The use of close up shots also makes the filming look a lot more professional than if the entire opening was in mid shot.
There are a lot of close up and extreme close up shots in this thriller opening which adds diversity and excitement. Also these types of shots, where hands are shown to be doing things created questions being asked as the small amount seen in the shot doesn't give away much of the narrative. The use of close up shots also makes the filming look a lot more professional than if the entire opening was in mid shot.
There is little dialogue in this thriller opening which creates an eerie and suspense filled atmosphere as a narrative enigma is created. Instead of all dialogue, there is an almost angelic light hearted song in the background which creates a weird and mysterious effect as we wouldn't associate that type of music with thrilling suspense. However it can typically be seen is psychological thrillers creating and eerie and creepy atmosphere making the reader question what's happening, and question their own thoughts. This quirky music style makes this thriller opening look professional and creative because they haven't just used a loud dramatic song bordering on the horror side of the thriller genre.
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