Thursday, 28 January 2016

Evaluation Question 3

 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As our media product is revolved around the thriller genre, I think that a media institution that caters for that type of genre would be the best for distributing a product like ours as they would know the correct type of marketing to create a 'buzz' around our product, attracting thriller fans and even people who wouldn't typically watch thrillers. If we wanted our thriller to be distributed as more of an independent film then, a smaller media institution based in the UK would be good, especially a company that focuses more on dark, and psychological thriller films and tv series. For example, Optimum Releasing is perfect for distributing films like that, such as 'Submarine' and 'This is England'. These films are probably seen to be more quirky and artistic which I think works well with psychological thrillers and is why Optimum Releasing would know just how to market our media product effectively and bring in the targeted younger audience. The most realistic option would be a small institution that distributes low budget films and so Optimum Releasing would be the best option as they are used to distributing lower budget independent films like ours and know how to target audiences. In the opening weekend, 'This is England' grossed £207,676 in the box office, demonstrating that it wasn't a worldwide phenomenon, however the film was popular amongst certain audiences. Therefore Optimum Releasing would be a sensible company to distribute my film because it is low budget and appeals more to a niche audience.  
However if we wanted to broaden our opportunities of our media product then a larger media institution located in the UK would be a good option, as the larger media companies have better reputations when it comes to promoting and distributing films, drawing in all different types of audiences. A good example of this would be Film Four, a well known media institution that distributes films in the UK and Ireland, earning a revenue of $2.63 billion, with films ranging from action packed sci-fi's like 'Star Trek' to coming of age classics like 'Easy A'. The array of films that are distributed are so broad that any film released by them would be sure to become a hit. Film Four is partnered with Warp Entertainment where they challenge British and International films by creating new ones on a lower budget, with the intention of expanding their niche audience. Therefore even though our thriller would probably belong more with an independent media institution as it is quirky and artistic, I think that larger institutions would be able to distribute our film as a popular blockbuster. 


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